Information for training providers

Information for training providers

Apprenticeships are a valuable way of equipping leaders at any level with the skills they need to succeed. Last year, over 14,000 managers completed an ILM apprenticeship. Working with ILM, you can deliver best in class programmes to your customers with first class quality assurance, support and assessment. 

To become approved to deliver ILM Management Apprenticeship qualifications you must become an ILM Approved Centre. We work with over 2,000 expert learning specialising in leadership and management, coaching, training and development to deliver our qualifications and certified training.

  • Knowledge, skills and experience of staff
  • Quality of learning materials and lesson plans
  • Training processes, facilities and learner centricity

By embedding an ILM Diploma within your Management Apprenticeships, ILM will help you to maintain the highest levels of quality to prepare learners for rigorous end-point-assessment and ensure they meet the new standards, and that the skills developed during the apprenticeship are fully recognised.

Find out how to get approved for apprenticeships

Getting approved to deliver management apprenticeships

For training providers wishing to be approved for delivering ILM's new Management Apprenticeship offer, you'll need to undergo our approvals process.

This includes:

  • Submission of Qualification Approval document
  • Learner journey and sample lesson plan/delivery material for one full unit
  • CV’s of occupationally competent delivery and quality personnel

Existing ILM Centres that have approval for Apprenticeship qualifications at any level will be able to add this qualification free of charge (subject to meeting approval requirements).

Apprenticeship delivery resources

ILM understands the importance of tailored support for all levels - that’s why we offer access to thousands of resources, from Levels 2 to 5 that are designed to help you get the most out of your Management Apprenticeship.

Discover our range of resources here

The ILM Directory of Apprenticeship Training Providers

The ILM Directory of Apprenticeship Training Providers is the place for employers to find programmes delivered with ILM’s marketing leading qualifications. More employers choose ILM Management Apprenticeships than any other leadership qualifications specialist.

Submit your details to be part of the ILM Directory

Want to offer ILM Management Apprenticeships?

Apprenticeship support

Online resources exclusively for ILM management apprentices, tutors and centres - a career development platform, development videos and related workbooks.

Access our range of support

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Qualification finder

Use our interactive tool to shortlist the most suitable qualifications for you and your business.

Qualification finder

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