ILM Assured: Frequently asked questions

Everything you needed to know about ILM Assured - recognition of high quality leadership and management training that doesn't lead to a qualification.

ILM Assured is a flexible recognition service with quality and rigour at its core. If you have more questions, please get in touch. Our dedicated team is on hand to guide you through the process. 

  • Recognition service

    How does an ILM Assured programme differ from a regulated qualification programme?
    ILM Assured is a recognition service designed for high quality training that does not lead to a qualification. Assured programmes are not externally verified like an accredited programme but they do undergo rigorous quality assurance at the approval stage. Qualification terminology such as 'Award', 'Certificate' or 'Diploma' is not permitted in Assured programme titles.

    How does ILM Assured differ from ILM Recognised?
    ILM Assured reviews the whole programme in greater depth. You will receive a benchmark report indicating good practice and areas for improvement. Learners who complete an ILM Assured programme attain a certificate and a digital credential to share online. New approvals and add-ons for ILM Recognised programmes in the UK will cease from 1 September 2018. Existing Endorsed or Development programmes are unaffected.


    Will my organisation attain 'ILM Assured' status?
    No, it is the programme that is recognised not the organisation.


    How long does learner registration last? 
    The learner must be logged as completing the programme within three years, subject to the programme continuing to be Assured. This means if you don't renew your programme approval you will not be able to claim certificates 


    How does ILM Assured differ from City & Guilds Assured?
    There is an additional core component for leadership, management, coaching and mentoring


    How long does programme approval last?
    One year, an annual renewal process is available for each programme.

  • Approval process

    What is the approval process?

    We will review of evidence against the standard including the Leading and Management component requirements via a face to face visit by an ILM Quality Compliance Manager. This process will result in a benchmark report indicating good practice and areas for improvement.


    What is the renewal process?

    Renewal of a programmes Assured status takes place on the anniversary of the original approval. The Quality & Compliance Manager will be in touch prior to the anniversary of approval (programme anniversary dates may vary).


    What must I provide to get approval?

    Evidence of compliance with the required Standards, including completion of an application form. Your Business Development Manager will be able to support you with this.


    How will quality be monitored if no external verification is required?
    Assured has been developed to include much more rigour at approval so there is no need for external verification.


    Does the approval meeting have to be face to face?
    Yes. A member the team will arrange a convenient time.


    Who decides on initial approval?

    Your dedicated Quality & Compliance Manager.


    What is the external verification process?

    There is no external verification of individual assessment. 


    What is the 'benchmark' that programmes will be compared to?

    The Assured Standards, not qualifications.


    How will benchmarking be standardised?

    Standardisation within ILM and with City & Guilds; overseen by the Quality Management Team.


    Are all ILM Assured training programmes reviewed at the same time, regardless of when they were originally approved?

    No, the review is on the anniversary of the programme's approval.


    How are training programmes with assessment reviewed?

    The assessment will be reviewed at initial approval, and at the annual review. The learner's assessments aren't sampled prior to certification. Our robust approval process will give you confidence that assessment practices in place remain consistent.

  • Certificates

    Can the learner have the digital credential without a certificate for a lower fee?

    No, the standard is a certificate and a digital credential


    Can I print ILM Assured certificates myself?

    This option is not available to ILM Assured customers.


    Can I add text to certificates?

    Yes, at registration (as we do for Recognised programmes).


    Do certificates state when assessment is included?

    No, but it will be included in the meta-data for the Digital Credential issued to learners.


    Does the certificate indicate language of delivery and/or assessment? (if not English, Welsh or Irish)

    Yes, a specific programme build with the language as fixed text.

  • Digital Credentials

    What are 'digital credentials'?

    A digital badge issued directly to the learner. You can find more information here.


    What benefit do they provide?

    The first service in the market to offer digital credentials. Learners will receive a credential that can be put on their branded skills profile with access for life. Learners can share their credential on LinkedIn, social media and insert in CV, online profiles


    Who issues the digital credentials?

    DigitalMe will provide this service on ILM's behalf and issue directly to learners. Simply enter your learner's result on Walled Garden (our administration system).


    What happens if the email address isn’t provided at registration?

    Your students won't receive their digital credential when results are entered.


    Can I provide a learner's email address after they have been registered?

    No, the learners' email address must be provided at registration to allow them to receive their Digital Credentials on completion.


    How long does it take for Digital Credentials to be issued?

    Digital Credentials will be issued up to 10 working days after the learner has been logged as completing the programme. The learner will receive their Digital Credential before the certificate.


    How do learners get their Digital Credential?

    Learners that successfully complete an ILM Assured programme will be sent a email from DigitalMe on behalf of ILM.


    What is meta-data?

    A set of information that describes and gives information about the programme (in this instance).


    Who decides what the Digital Credential meta-data says?

    Your dedicated Quality & Compliance Manager will work with you to decide the appropriate text.


    Can I add my organisation's logo to the digital credential?

    Yes, at the creation of the digital credential

  • Administration

    What are the rules for ILM Assured programme titles and content?

    The programme title should reflect the learning which has been Assured. It is possible to a longer title for the certificate and an abridged version for the Digital Credential (which will be discussed during the approval process). Qualification terminology such as 'Award', 'Certificate' or 'Diploma' is not permitted. ILM Assured programmes must be leadership, management, coaching or mentoring skills development programmes.


    What logo can I use when my programme is approved?

    The ILM Assured logo will be shared when your approval is confirmed. Customer Services can also supply the logo.


    How long must an ILM Assured training programme be?

    ILM Assured is a flexible recognition service. There are no minimum or maximum programme duration requirements.

    How are learners registered and results entered?
    Learners undertaking an ILM Assured programme are registered via Walled Garden, our secure administration system.


    Does the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) apply?

    Yes, regardless of you and your learner's location.


    How old can a learner undertaking an ILM Assured programme be?

    Learners must be over 14 years of age when they start the programme.

  • Fees

    How are the fees broken down?

    You pay an initial approval fee per programme, a per learner registration fee, and an annual renewal fee per programme. These fees vary depending on the number of programmes approved and the number of learners registered.


    Is ILM Assured more expensive if my training programme includes assessment?

    No. There is a benchmark component for Assessment but it will not cost you more to have this part of the programme quality assured.


    There are different learner registration fees depending on the volume of registrations, how will this discount be applied?

    The volume discount applies across the total learner registrations, not per programme.


    What if I don't make the agreed volume of learner registrations, or I register more learners than expected?

    This will be reviewed at annual renewal and underspend / overspend payments agreed.


    What is included in the annual renewal fee?

    Your dedicated Quality contact undertakes a renewal visit which will include checking for: evidence of the application of the policies and procedures, quality assurance, evaluation, review and continuous development of the programme. They will also look at the candidate audit trail.



Want to know more about ILM Assured?

If you're interested in having your bespoke programmes certified by ILM please request a call back. An expert will be in touch within two working days.

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ILM Assured

The robust quality standard that recognises excellence in leadership and management training programmes that don’t lead to a regulated qualification.

Find out more about ILM Assured