Proof Points

ILM commissioned a piece of research with Harris Interactive in order to measure the impact of ILM qualifications on centres, employers and learners from the past 3 years.

All participants who took part have either completed an ILM  qualification or currently deliver ILM qualifications. Participants were asked to complete a 10 minute questionnaire about the impact ILM  qualifications had on them as a learner, or on their organisation as a centre or an employer.

The main areas measured were:

  • Impact of qualifications on employers and learners in terms of improved skills
  • Learners improved ability to carry out their job role
  • Likelihood to recommend ILM
  • Impact of the ILM brand on winning new business
  • Return on investment on ILM qualifications
  • Perception of ILM qualifications on recruitment

The research took place from 1st September to 3rd October 2016 and received 670 responses.

Sample size

Methodology Sample Size
Centres 10 minute quantitative telephone survey 100
Employers 10 minute quantitative telephone survey 69
Learners 10 minute quantitative internet survey 501


Centre results

Agree Disagree No opinion







Do you agree or disagree that ILM qualifications provide learners with leadership and management skills that are essential to the workplace? 97% 97 2% 2 1% 1
Would you recommend ILM to your clients? 94% 94 4% 4 2% 2
Do you agree or disagree that ILM has impacted your organisation in the following areas:
Increased credibility among organisations in the market? 92% 92 4% 4 4% 4
Positively impacted on your ability to win new business? 81% 81 11% 11 8% 8
Increased your organisations income? 78% 78 13% 13 9% 9
Increased the number of learners registering on qualifications with your organisation? 73% 73 17% 17 10% 10
Increased the number of employers requesting ILM qualifications from your organisation? 66% 66 27% 27 7% 7


Employer results

Agree Disagree No opinion







Would you recommend ILM to another employer who is considering using ILM as a provider of leadership and management courses? 94% 65 4% 3 1% 1
Do you agree or disagree that your organisation has stronger leaders and managers as a result of working with ILM? 88% 61 7% 5 4% 3
Do you agree or disagree that an applicant with an ILM qualification would have the skills to be an effective leader or manager? 84% 58 12% 8 4% 3
Do you agree or disagree that your organisation was immediately positively impacted by what the employees undertaking the ILM course had learnt once they had completed their qualification? 84% 58 9% 6 7% 5
Did you see a return on the investment that you had made based on the leadership and management skills of those studying an ILM course/programme being completed? 78% 54 9% 6 13% 9


Past Learner results

Agree Disagree No opinion







Would you recommend ILM to a colleague who is considering studying for a leadership and management qualification? 90% 450 4% 18 7% 33
Do you agree or disagree that you have been able to apply this leadership and management skills that you have learnt as part of your qualification in your day-to-day job role? 87% 437 8% 40 5% 24
Do you agree or disagree that your qualification has helped you become a better leader/manager? 83% 416 6% 32 11% 53
Do you agree or disagree that your qualification had an immediate impact on your leadership and management skills once completed? 74% 369 16% 78 11% 54
When applying for a job, do you agree or disagree that you would be viewed more positively by your potential employer because of your qualification? 72% 360 8% 39 20% 102

*Research conducted by Harris Interactive on behalf of ILM

For more information about the research email: 

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